How many times have you thrown away or hopefully recycled an entire box of unopened brochures or letterhead because it was outdated? Many businesses order more marketing materials and office supplies than they need. It’s why printed material often finds its way into the recycling bin or trash as part of wasted marketing budgets.
Unfortunately, this is a more common problem than just a handful of businesses. Many companies throw away between 25 to 50 percent of printed material simply because it’s out of date. (InfoTrends) Imagine how much money could be saved and landfills reduced if businesses relied on print-on-demand solutions.
Print-on-demand is a proven printing solution that keeps costs much closer to what may be needed. Not only are print costs reduced, but storage space and document waste are decreased as well. Print-on-demand is made even more efficient through Accent’s timely turnaround and delivery processes. We can deliver completed print-on-demand jobs in 1-3 days. This means less “Let’s order more, just in case.” and more “We know we need this exact number of documents.”
What if your company is bought out or rebrands for a new market share? All of the materials you ordered for your now-obsolete organization are destined for the dumpster. By using print-on-demand from Accent, you can nimbly pivot to your new messaging to create the right amount of matching collateral.
Our online ePrint Stores solution allows you to order all the products you need through one seamless portal. It makes ordering more efficient than ever. No more guesswork needed to see what product might be needed and when.
You don’t have to waste print materials ever again. Check out our Printing Division Services to see how Accent can help you save money through our print-on-demand solution. No matter your company’s size, we can help you find the right amount of printed material. No waste, no hassle, no wait for your excessive printed products to arrive. We provide custom printing design and fulfillment when you need it.
Are you tired of wasting printed materials? Connect with one of our Accent team members to learn more about our print-on-demand solution. Click here to start a conversation.