We all know that our businesses would be nothing without our clients. They trust us to provide the services or products they crave, which makes their trust our most valued commodity. Many businesses experience a rollercoaster of sales throughout the year, especially during the summer and holidays. How do you leverage your current client base to the best of its sales potential? By being grateful.

Who doesn’t love reading a handwritten card? A small gift and a few handwritten sentences of intentional thanks can make a client’s day. The spirit of gratitude should be reason enough, but thanking your clients can also unlock hidden sales you may not be aware of. Saying thank you can often lead to new leads and upsell opportunities with the right attitude of service first, selling second.

Here are six ways to show gratitude towards your clients:

  • Send a handwritten thank-you note. It takes five minutes to do. Instead of checking Facebook or email (again), grab a beautiful piece of your custom stationery and write a detailed thank-you note.
  • Send them a gift basket of their favorite snack food, such as a tin of gourmet popcorn.
  • Give your clients a call and ask them how business is going. Showing interest without pushing a sale is often the best way to generate a sale through natural conversation.
  • Stop by their store to connect in person. This allows your client to ask questions, show off a new product or addition to their business, and spark conversations about how you can better serve them.
  • Give them a gift for their pet. 
  • Share a discount opportunity for a service they may be unsure about renewing.

Again, the goal should be to show your appreciation with no strings attached. It keeps your intentions pure and your clients will know you care. If you’re in need of printed materials, our Printing Division provides custom printing solutions for your gift-giving needs. Take a peek through our Printing Division services and click here to start a conversation with Accent today.